We all enjoy an anonymous rendezvous and this website is built for just that.
Whether you are an out of town businessperson looking for a night of lust or married and unsatisfied with your routine this is the site for you.
Upon first signing up I imagined that it would be much like every other adult dating website but made quite the incorrect assumption. You can choose to publish your own photo or not (Photos receive 100% more ‘hits’) and fill out a few forms with your own personal information that outline what it is really that you would like from Ashley Madison. Not just your regular ‘I enjoy sports and movies’, far more suggestive themes such as ‘I enjoy giving oral sex’ & ‘preferences for professional & well groomed with good hygiene’. This website is the real deal.
The catch is that you need to purchase credits. Upon purchasing AM currency you can send and receive messages and engage in erotic chat in their built in engine. Once you have met up with your new flame you can then rate them for others to view in the future with buttons such as ‘hot to trot’, ‘keeps promises’, ‘salacious’ and many others.
This is the perfect opportunity to utilize LoverList as the basic rules of romance still apply. By remembering names, occasions, lies and lays it ensures repeat rendezvous aiding you to be the ultimate Don Juan.
Bye for now.
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